Home > Announcements > Cherry Company Management Philosophy

Cherry Company Management Philosophy

Due to the continued support and cooperation from our valued customers we The Cherry Co, despite the unpredictable economical downturn was able to achieve our desired results for this past year. Once again we would like to give our most sincere gratitude and appreciation to all who support our efforts.

My management philosophy is this “Customers always come first, for all employees to achieve happiness in both mind and matter, and for our company to revitalize and contribute to Hawaii’s economy”. To achieve these principals, first it must be clear on the goals of this undertaking. Secondly to be able to care for high quality sake, shochu, Japanese foods and kitchen supplies at a reasonable price. In the long run we must diligently strive to grow our sales, lower our cost and to work with and contribute to our customer’s ever growing and developing business.

We pray from the bottom of our hearts for everyone’s good fortune and prosperity.


弊社 Cherry Co.は低迷する経済市況にも関わらず、昨年も好成績を納める事ができました。これはひとえに皆様方の絶大なる御協力の賜物です。この紙面をお借りして改めて深く御礼申し上げます。本当に有難うございました。

私の経営理念は「お客様第一主義を貫き、全従業員の物心両面での幸福を目指し、 ハワイ地域経済と社会の活性化に貢献する事です」。この為には 事業の意義と目的と目標を明確にし、高品質の酒、焼酎、及び各種 日本食材や雑貨類, 合計約1,000アイテムを皆様方にご満足頂ける適正価格にてお納めする事です。つまり売り上げは最大限にし、経費は最小限にする事に鋭意尽力し、皆様方の更なる 深化、発展に向けて取り組む所存です。

皆様方のご多幸と一層のご繁栄を心から祈念いたしまして、私のご挨拶といたしま す。


New Year greeting
Teru Kishii
The Cherry Co., Ltd.


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